
Vous avez une question au sujet des outils de jointoiement et de finition automatiques et ne savez pas où trouver la réponse ? Il vous suffit de soumettre votre question ici, et nos experts vous répondront. Que vous vouliez savoir quel outil est le bon outil pour un certain travail ou que vous soyez à la recherche d’astuces et de techniques, nous pouvons vous aider. Souvenez-vous, si vous avez une question sur un sujet quelconque, il y a de bonnes chances que beaucoup de vos collègues se posent la même question. Par conséquent, chacune des questions que vous posez a le potentiel d’aider des milliers de personnes à mieux s’informer et à travailler de façon plus productive. Ça, c’est une idée forte !

Certaines questions et réponses ne sont disponibles qu’en anglais à l’heure actuelle.

    • Question:

      What’s the best method to finish butt joints with TapeTech finishing boxes?

    • Finishing butt joints in drywall is one of the most challenging parts of the overall drywall finishing process. There are a few different methods of finishing butt joints using automatic taping and finishing tools. Naturally, you will first tape the joint using the automatic taper (04TT or 05TT). The technique for finishing the joint with the finishing box will depend on the size of the finishing boxes that you use.   

      If you use a 7” (175mm) finishing box for the first (embedding) coat, run the finishing box down the center of the drywall butt joint with the crown adjustment set to zero (0). Then make an additional pass on both sides of this joint. After this joint compound dries, make another pass down either side of the taped and boxed joint, skipping the center of the butt joint. The joint is now embedded. For the finishing coat (2nd application) and skim coat (3rd application), you’ll repeat these same steps using a 10” (250mm) or 12” (300mm) finishing box, respectively, and setting the crown adjustment to 2 or 3. Again, first run down the center of the joint and then make a pass on either side. Allow the joint compound to dry and make a pass down both sides of the joint, skipping the center of the joint again. 

      If you like to use a 10” (250mm) finishing box for the embedding coat, run the box on both sides of the taped butt joint with the crown adjustment set to zero (0). After the joint compound has dried, run the 10” (250mm) finishing box down the center of the taped joint; the drywall butt joint is now embedded. Repeat these same steps with the 12” (300mm) finishing box for the finishing coat and skim coat with the crown adjustment set to 2 or 3. 

      Depending on the butt joint and the framing behind it, you may still need to do some wipe down with a joint knife when embedding and finishing butt joints with finishing boxes. Try to keep manual wipe down to a minimum to ensure a good finish. 

      These techniques are the same whether you use TapeTech Flat boxes, EasyClean™ boxes or Power Assist™...

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    • Question:

      Does TapeTech make an adjustable Corner Finisher that will finish corners outside of 90 degrees?

    • TapeTech corner finishers, like the corner finishers of all Automatic Taping and Finishing (ATF) tool manufacturers, are designed to finish 90 degree internal corners. There is not a corner finisher, also called an Angle Head or Angle Finisher, available for acute or obtuse angles (e.g. 30o, 45o, 60o, 135o, etc). 

      TapeTech does offer two adjustable corner finishers. The 3” (76mm) model 48TT and the 3.5” (89mm) model 48XTT...

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    • Question:

      When taping with automatic taping tools, is there a specific order I should follow?

    • While everyone has their own preference in the order that they tape a room, most automatic tool users will tape all the drywall butt joints (where two non-tapered edges of drywall meet) on the walls and ceilings first as they move around the job. These butt joints are wiped down with a taping knife and pan to press the tape into the joint compound and remove the excess mud. 

      After the butt joints are taped and wiped down, all the flat joints (where two tapered edges of drywall meet) on the walls and ceilings are taped. Like the butt joints, the flat joints are wiped down with a taping knife and pan to press the tape into the joint compound and remove the excess mud. 

      The final step is to tape the internal corners with the Automatic Taper, immediately followed by using the Corner Roller and Corner Finisher ...

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    • Question:

      What is the recommended type of extension cord that I should use with the Bazooka Continuous Flow Pump?

    • The required extension cord for the CTPMP Bazooka Continuous Flow Pump is a 12 gauge, 3-wire extension cord. The cord should not exceed 250’ (76 meters) in length. Please refer to the Operations Guide ...

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    • Question:

      How do I fill my Power Assist™ Finishing Box?

    • To fill the TapeTech Power Assist™ Finishing Boxes with joint compound, pull the pressure plate out to the fully open position. The pressure plate will catch in the toothed prawl (#212088) and be held there. There is a lock (#212087) mounted on the right side of the pressure plate that will secure the tool in the fill position. The finishing box can now be loaded with joint compound using the filler adapter and the loading pump. Watch a video of loading compound into finishing boxes here...

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